Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft - A fascinating and unusual
Museum in Strandir -
The Famous Cases |
Famous Cases The Pastor and his Neighbours The local clergyman in Skutulsfjörður (the present town of Ísafjörður in the Westfjords), Jón Magnússon, fell ill in 1654 and remained bedridden for weeks at a time, sweating and shaking and experiencing vivid hallucinations. He became convinced that two of his neighbours, a father and son, both named Jón Jónsson, had sent him the illness with the aid of magic. The local sheriffs reluctantly took up the case, but under considerable pressure from the reverend Jón they tried the culprits and in 1656 both of them were burnt. The priest was awarded a large part of their property as compensation but a little later he had a relapse. He then accused a female member of the family, but this time the authorities declined. The reverend Jón wrote a book (Píslarsaga) to justify his claims. There he describes the illness and the strange hallucinations he suffered. The work has considerable literary merits but must be treated cautiously as a historical document.
In 1669 Páll's wife, Helga, fell ill and for a time their farm had to be evacuated because of evil spirits that mde it inhabitable. Finally it was decided that Helga's illness had been caused by a farm hand who had wanted to marry one of her maids. Páll had him burnt with the help of his brother Eggert Björnsson, the county sheriff, along with a second man who they claimed had taught the farm hand sorcery. Helga, who undoubtedly was psychologically unstable, seems to have had a relapse again and again until 6 persons had been burnt because of her illness and that of their sons. The last man burnt in Iceland was condemned for causing a similar illness in a daughter of Páll and Helga. Among those who suffered in connection with the family in Selárdalur was the only woman burnt during the witch-craze in Iceland. Not much is known of this case except that Þuríður Ólafsdóttir had recently moved to the area, and her dim-witted son who was burnt with her had boasted that his mother knew how to cross rivers and streams withour getting their feet wet. The case was one of several where the death sentence was confirmed by the general assembly after the culprits had been executed.
For centuries the only schools in Iceland were at the two cathedral seats, at Hólar in the north and Skálholt in the south. At least four cases of witchcraft were associated with the latter in the second half of the 17th century. None of these was referred to the secular courts and the punishments were never harsh. Twice students were found in possession of grimoires and were expelled though some of them were later readmitted. One case concerns a priest who was accused by a student of having caused a sickness he felt in the presence of a girl who both of them were courting. The leniency shown to the students who were dabbling in magic is generally connected with the humanism and sensibility of the bishop, Brynjólfur Sveinsson, who was highly regarded as a scholar in Denmark and a disciple of Erasmus of Rotterdam. At the other school, at Hólar, no records are found of cases of magic in the 17th century, but there are numerous accounts of students' experimenting with sorcery in the 18th century. Among them are many of the historical persons whom later folk tales describe as cunning sorcerers. |
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© museum of icelandic sorcery & witchcraft - höfðagata 8-10
- 510 hólmavík - galdrasyning@holmavik.is - tph +354 451 3525