About the project:
The web is made at the Icelandic school
Grunnskólanum á Hólmavík
in April and May. The web was our contribution
in The
contest af the best fisheriweb. Student in 5th-10th class of our
school were working at the project, directed by Kristínu S. Einarsdóttur
teacher in computer science.

The 10th of September this year it was announced that our
web had won the first price in
Contest of the
best fisheriweb.
The prizegiving ceremony was held in Smáraskóli in Kópavogur
and aftir that Árni Mathiessen, Minester of fisheri in Iceland, invited us
to the Icelandic fisheri exhabition. The prize we got was á laptop, a
digital videocamera and a skjávarpi.
Photos from the prize giving
ceremony are here.