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On this list we have books that the
students found in our Local library,
that we also use as schoollibrary in
our school in
Hólmavík. There are also textbooks that can
be found in
our school.
We have added number of pages in some of these books.
Here you can also find teaching ideas from the
students who made the web.
 | Bent J. Muus og Preben Dahlström. 1991. Fiskar og fiskveiðar.Fiskabók AB. Reykjavík,
Almenna bókafélagið.
-Pages: 196-197: Diffrent species of shrimps and coloured pictures og diffrent species and fishing tackes used for catching shrimps.
 | Erla Sigurðardóttir (ritstjóri). Without year. Úlfar og fiskarnir.
Ljúffengir og auðveldir fiskréttir að hætti Úlfars Eysteinssonar. Reykjavík, PP
-Pages 120-123: Shrimps recipes and knowledge about shrimps and how it has been used in Icelandic cooking.
 | Geir Gígja og Pálmi Jósefsson. 1968. Náttúrufræði handa barnaskólum. Reykjavík, Ríkisútgáfa námsbóka.
Page 93: Short discussion about crustaceae.
 | Íslenska alfræðiorðabókin. P-Ö. 1990. Reykjavík, Örn og Örlygur.
-Page 138: Shrimp, the specie discrbed and shrimp catching in Iceland shortly explained .
-Page 348: Sundfætlur, the are on specie of crusaceae and shrimps belong to that .
 | Jón Hjaltason. 1995. "Steinn umdir framtíðar höll". Saga Útgerðarfélags Akureyringa
hf. 1945-1995.Akureyri, Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa hf.
-We took a look at that book because the shrimpfactory in Hólmavík, Hólmadrangur, was a part of the company Útgerðarfélag Akureyrar.
Now Hólmadrangur belongs to the company Fisk seafood in Sauðárkrókur.
 | Jón Jónsson. 1990. Hafrannsóknir við Ísland. II. Eftir 1937. Reykjavík, Bókaútgáfa
-Page 102: Shrimps is important food for the cod.
-Pages 374-5: About shrimps in the old Icelandic travelling book by Eggert Ólafsson and Bjarni
Pálsson. |
 | Mark Carwardine (in cooperation with World Wildlife Fund). 1986. Lífríki náttúrunnar.
Agrip um dýr og heimkynni þeirra. Translated by Gissur Ö. Erlingsson. Reykjavík,
-Pages 93: Shrimp as an important food for other species.
-Bls 133: How people have corrupted the oceans.
 | Steingrímur J. Sigfússon. 1996. Róið á ný mið. Sóknarfæri íslensks sjávarútvegs.
Reykjavík, Skerpla.
-New possibilities in Icelandic fishery.
 | Guðbjörg Pálsdóttir og Þórdís Sigurðardóttir. 1998. Sjávarútvegur. Kennsluhugmyndir og gagnaskrá. Reykjavík, Námsgagnastofnun.
 | Kristín H. Tryggvadóttir. 1982. Við sjávarsíðuna. Ísland. Reykjavík, Námsgagnastofnun í samráði við Menntamálaráðuneytið,
skólarannsóknardeild. |
 | Óttar Ólafsson. 1992. Íslenskur sjávarútvegur. Reykjavík, Námsgagnastofnun.
 | Unnur Skúladóttir. (Sjá ártal á möppunni). Lífríki sjávar. Rækja. Reykjavík, Námsgagnastofnun og Hafrannsóknarstofnunin.
-A booklet about shrimp, from a collection called "live in the ocean" We used that booklet a lot for geting informations and photos for this web.
It contains a lot of important informations and explanatory diagrams. It is printed in wo colors. A list of sources and further reading is in the booklet.
Numberal informations might be out of date.
We think most of these textbooks are rather old, but this is what we have got in our school.
 | Needlework: (textílmennt) Sew a gentle shrimp-pillow. We could use a soft material like fleece.
 | Visual arts::
Make shrimp-jumping jacks, using material like thick paper, wire and sticks. Jumping jacks like that are for example used in our cartoon. sBackgrounds were drawed in thick paper and coloured with different kinds of colors.
We tried different kinds of color to see how they would look in the videotape.
We also studied the rate of the background and the persons in that cartoon.
 | Cooking:: Cook something with shrimp and invite our parents to taste it. Get recipes from our parents to try at school. með uppskriftir frá foreldrum til að prófa. Get recipes frim the people who work in the shrimp factory Hólmadrangur.
 | ICT: Publish recipes to the web.
 | Natural science: Perform an autopsy on shrimps. Get some knowledge from the teacher of natural science.
 | Samfélagsfræði: Try to find out how many people in Hólmavík get their livings from the shrimp factory. Visit the shrimps factory, interview some of the staff and take picture. 8th class did that and it was a great trip.
Some of the staff in the shrimp factory Hólmadreangur were
interviewd and we also used email to contact Björn Fannar Hjálmarsson, who is
a manager of the factory. |
Last updated::
